Thursday, September 24, 2009


Wasn't there a story several years ago where an old lady would go around w/ her bag of spare change and fill expired or close to expired parking meters? I think this was in Pittsburgh and if my memory serves me right, I think that the old lady got a ticket herself for obstructing justice or at least obstructing city revenue.

As I was walking down Beacon St this afternoon on my way home, I noticed the meter maid in front of me. She was doing her job - checking for the desired red notification so she could break out her pen and pad and write a ticket. It just happened that she found one and stopped to fill out her paperwork. I kept walking and noticed only a few cars ahead that there was another expired meter. Instead of giving the meter maid joy in writing another ticket, and extending her quota by 1 more today, I reached into my bag and dropped a quarter in the meter for an additional 20 minutes. I'm hoping that my good deed brings me good karma - I could use some!

1 comment:

Roscoe Mutz said...

I remember hearing about that story...but I'm not sure if it was a true story or some story line on Boston Legal or something like that. Sounds crazy enough to be true. Glad to hear that you are working on your karma. I do that too...whenever I see a ticket under a windshield wiper on a car I just take it off and throw it in the nearest dumpster. That person doesn't need the stress of seeing that there!! (full disclosure: I heard some comedian tell that joke. It was not my own, but seemed appropriate).